My current work-in-progress (WIP) has a wonderful, evocative setting, but I realize I’ve strayed pretty far afield as I’ve devoted myself to outlines, character sketches, and scene plans. How do I know this? While drafts are exquisitely painful to compose, this one’s been a real trial. It’s been ages since I’ve started fresh on a long piece; sometimes I feel I’ve forgotten how.
Finding My Way Back To Setting
What has helped is to go back to all my early notes, sketches, clippings, etc. I needed to return to the tale’s entry point for me. That inspiration was an image in my mind; a mansion on a prairie.
I think the creative juices are starting to flow again.
I started this blog thread on the gritty details of the writing process over on my Facebook Author page, @kbkathylbrown, but think I might be better served putting it over here. If you’re interest in following my writing process in an informal way, you’ll find a few posts on Facebook that might interest you. You can subscribe to the blog below (scroll down).