Family Medical Leave Announcement
The Storytelling Blog is on hiatus until mid-May. A family member has some health issues going on, and I am heavily involved in their care, so it’s like Family Medical Leave (FML). Giving myself permission to step back for the duration will be good for them and essential to my self-care, too.
Take care of yourselves while I’m gone. It’s OK to manage our workloads and obligations as situations change. See you soon!
Don’t miss The Big Cinch from Montag Press, a supernatural noir adventure by Kathy L. Brown. Sean Joye, a fae-touched young veteran of 1922’s Irish Civil War, aims to atone for his assassin past and make a clean, new life in America. Until he asks the wrong questions. . .
How do you take care of yourself as you take care of others? Comment on the blog. (Click this blog title, and a comments box will open at the bottom of the page.)
If you enjoyed this journal entry, you might like to read about Stress. I started this blog thread on the gritty details of the writing process over on my Facebook Author page, @kbkathylbrown, but think I might be better served putting it over here. If you’re interested in following my writing process in an informal way, you’ll find a few posts on Facebook that might interest you. You can subscribe to the blog from the website landing page (scroll down).
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
Check out the new release from Montag Press, The Big Cinch, a supernatural noir adventure by Kathy L. Brown. Order today.
Love Letters to St. Louis is an adorable letter-shaped volume of short stories, poems, essays, and illustrations and includes my first science fiction story, “Welcome to Earthport Prime: A Self-Guided Tour.” A perfect gift and profits benefit the guild’s young writers’ program. Available on Amazon and local St. Louis bookshops.
Reviews, even a line or two, put the books you enjoyed in a more prominent position on Amazon and are vital for independent and small-press books to find their audience. Remember your most recent read? Leave a review for it on Amazon or Goodreads today. The direct link to review Wolfhearted on Amazon is here, The Resurrectionist, here , and Water of Life, here, or visit my Shop off the landing page menu to review at Barnes and Noble. Thanks in advance. Reviews put the book in a more prominent position on Amazon.
Like the blog? Subscribe (form at the bottom of my website) to never miss an issue. Want more? Subscribe to the monthly newsletter for exclusive content. And, of course, I’m selling books. Check out all my stories at Amazon.com. Or at Barnes and Noble if you prefer, here. Order my novella, Wolfhearted, as an audiobook, here.