“Once Upon a Time . . .”
That’s all I really need to hear to plant myself on the big rug in the kindergarten story corner, quiet and attentive. I love a story. Good stories, of course, but even so-so stories will do. I’ll enjoy ruminating on how they might be better. And what do “good” and “better” actually mean? You might guess I write stories. And read stories. Movies and TV? They’re stories, too. Theater? Of course. Poetry? Bring it on. Dance? Yes, please. Art? Absolutely. Music? Need you ask?
Story is how we humans make sense of . . . well, everything. Our world, our relationships, our emotional landscape, and innermost thoughts and feelings. This blog is a place to illustrate, in all the ways, story.
Story will happen. Analysis and review, thoughts and feelings . . . all part of the mix. I’ll learn a lot along the way, I know. That’s my story.

Kathy lives and writes in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Her hometown and its history inspire much of her fiction. When she’s not thinking about how haunted everything is, she enjoys hiking, crafts, and cooking for her family. Her first novel, The Big Cinch, will be published by Montag Press in December of 2021. She has three novellas available: Wolfhearted, The Resurrectionist and Water of Life. Wolfhearted is also an audiobook. Follow her on Facebook at kbKathylbrown, Instagram at kathylbrownwrites, and Twitter at KL_Brown.