I love the winter holidays: cozy activities, gathering in with my important people, and the spiritual reset of Advent and Yule. But…it’s gift shopping time! If you are anything like me, finding holiday gifts fills you with dread. Online options help, but still, it’s daunting. To ease the burden, here are ten unique gift ideas for the booklovers in your life.
Home Décor Gifts
Your friend likely does not need another mug, but this one has cosmic power, obviously. Manifest That Shit mug might just be the thing to bring all the good fortune they can use in 2023.
Does your friend want to live in a fantasy land, for reals? Now they can. Many real-world locations, drawn in the classic fantasy realm style, are available at Lord of Maps. When one of my kids moved away to Colorado, I gave them a fantasy map of our home state. Perhaps they’d prefer to forget, but…at least it’s an idealized version!
What booklover doesn’t settle in for a long read with a hot drink? Which requires a coaster. Very special book coasters can be found at Rebound Designs. Literally. These are coasters made from old books. Beautiful and “a second chance for well-loved books.”
I’m loving this tiny bookshelf Christmas tree ornament from 64Hydro. “I believe in my shelf.” Miniature books and a pun. What more could anyone want on Christmas morning?
Who doesn’t love stickers? My writing group members give them to each other when we meet our monthly writing goals (and even when we don’t). Great for roleplaying game journaling, too. Check out these cool fairytale stickers at Grabie. Lots of other interesting art supplies as well.
Maybe your friend already has a lifetime sticker supply; that happens all too easily. Never fear; lots of cool electronic clipart is available. Check out the Horror Ephemera Bundle, 1000 graphics, textures, and clip art. Perfect for newsletters, websites, and party invites.
While we read, we need a snack. Literally open the world of snacks via this subscription service, Universal Yums. Your friend will find new favorite snacks and travel the world through tasty nibbles and a booklet of games and fun facts. Maybe pair it with an intriguing new international novel in translation?
Take your favorite little peeps on a special virtual tour of London’s National Gallery, The Keeper of Paintings and the Palette of Perception. “Step into the hidden world of art and magic…” An app for mobile devices.
Apparel Gifts
Are books your friend’s second skin? Perhaps a bit on the nose, consider Meundies boxers, panties, and many other styles of book-embellished underwear. Also, bras, pajamas, slippers, and pet attire.
As a certified aromatherapist, I’m quite chuffed about Imaginary Authors scents. From the website, “Imaginary Authors offers wildly unique fragrances born from the concept of scent as art and art as provocation. Like a good book, these scents are meant to inspire you.” Perhaps you’ll choose the Fox in the Flowerbed (jasmine, wildflower honey, & alpine air) or The Soft Lawn (linden, oakmoss, & fresh tennis balls) for your friend. And maybe the short story collection as a self-gift.
That’s this year’s holiday gift collection. Check out my past years’ ideas, as well. 2021 2019 I make no claim that the links are still good, though. Unfortunately, many small businesses fail each year. And here’s a bonus idea for your New Year’s Eve fashion statement:
I can’t resist a flapper dress and look at this array of lovelies at Unique Vintage. Fashions from other iconic eras are available as well.
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
Like the blog? Subscribe (form at the bottom of my website) to never miss an issue. Want more? Subscribe to the newsletter for exclusive content. We will soon have a new Sean Joye short story exclusively for newsletter subscribers.
And, of course, I’m selling books. My new novel, The Big Cinch from Montag Press won a best novel award this summer! More supernatural noir stories: The Resurrectionist and Water of Life, available at Amazon.com. Order my novella, Wolfhearted, or from Barnes and Noble if you prefer, here. It is also available as an audiobook, here.
St. Louis Writers Guild’s Love Letters to St. Louis, is an adorable letter-shaped volume of short stories, poems, essays, and illustrations included my first science fiction story, “Welcome to Earthport Prime: A Self-Guided Tour.” A perfect gift and profits benefit the guild’s young writers’ program.
If you’ve enjoyed one of my books, tell the world! Consider leaving a short review at Audible, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Goodreads. The direct link to review Wolfhearted on Amazon is here, The Resurrectionist, here , and Water of Life, here, or visit my Shop off the landing page menu to review at Barnes and Noble. Thanks in advance. Reviews put the book in a more prominent position on Amazon.