“The sweet convivium [i.e., banquet] . . . is the food of good will, the seasoning of friendship, the leavening of grace, and the solace of life.”

Marsilio Ficino, 1433-1499

Story feeds my soul, and you’re invited to the feast. Please gather in and take your place at the table. Conviviality—a banquet for the mind, heart, and senses—is my mission: To honor stories and the souls that create them, to encourage my fellow artists, and to delight my fellow readers.

  • I lift up writers through manuscript critiques, book reviews, and social media support. I pay artists, editors, and sensitivity readers fairly for tasks beyond my skills. I patronize indie bookshops. 
  • I cherish readers and share insights for enjoying art as well as reviews to steer audiences toward creative endeavors worth their time. 
  • I value story as I write about people who put others first; they seek a higher justice than human laws. 
  • I honor our history as I remind people that we’ve traveled this way before, and if we can’t learn from the past, we’ll keep making the same mistakes.