We’ve all seen them: Author pleas for reader support via book reviews. The tone of these reminders may vary from polite to humorous to desperate to even threatening, but the message is the same: Books live and die on the whim of reviews. Or, more specifically, on how a certain bookselling site analyzes and interprets the quantity and qualities of those reviews and ratings.
Readers have many reasons for not leaving a review: Forgetting to do so is only one. What are other ways, you may ask, to support my favorite authors and show some book love?
Recommend Books
Many people choose their next read based on a friend’s advice. When you talk books with your book people, throw some support to that indie or small press book you just finished. A lot of preconceived notions about indie publications are out there, so you might need to refute them. Your endorsement will go a long way to dispel the myths. Is it your turn to pick the book club selection? Consider your favorite indie author’s new story. Some of us even provide book club discussion questions, such as this.
Purchase Multiple Copies
If you really enjoyed an indie published e-book, consider buying the paperback as well. Chances are you paid under five dollars for the electronic version; wouldn’t you like the physical copy, too? Maybe get it signed someday?
Do you know a children’s charity, school, or nursing home that accepts donated books? Gift them a new copy of an indie published book you’ve enjoyed. If you loved a book, maybe someone in your life would also love it. A perfect gift!
Does your favorite author have a new book coming out soon? Consider pre-ordering it. Bonus points for asking an independent bookstore to order it for you. Such a purchase is thrice blessed: the author/publisher, the store, and you, the reader.
Support The Blog
Does your favorite author have a blog? Following a blog is an easy and a painless way to show some love. Did a post particularly resonate with you? Comment on it, and share it across social media. The number of blog followers and the discussion around a post mean a great deal on an author’s quest to be heard in the crowded virtual marketplace.
Offer Support on Social Media
Much like following an author’s blog, following them on social media is a great way to help writers promote their books (and thus have more resources to produce new stories for you!). You can also repost the author’s tweets and posts, amplifying their message.
Comment on Media Posts
And don’t just follow: Engage. You needn’t be shy. Everyone on social media is looking for likes and, even more important, comments. If your author posts about a book you’ve read, chime-in with an endorsement. You’ll make their day and possibly some new friends.
Subscribe to Newsletters
Many authors send out newsletters via email. Your subscription is like gold. Really. For the author, a newsletter subscription is evidence of a true fan. Like so many other ways of support mentioned in this blog, the subscriber list is a useful metric. An author might be asked to prove their reader support level to an agent or publishing house. Your name on a subscriber list can help. A newsletter subscription is a good value for readers, as well. These often contain free and exclusive content, contests, and announcements of upcoming books before the general public is informed.
Patreon Support
Several unique and exciting support mechanisms have developed over recent years. For example, Patreon connects artists with art lovers for direct monetary support. A writer with a Patron page can provide subscribers with content, personal interaction, and a like-minded community.
Appearances and Readings
If a local author holds a special place in your heart, support their appearances, readings, and book signings. Attend the event, get your books signed, and offer words of encouragement. You will make their day.
Review on Your Own Blog, Goodreads, BookBub, or Another Site
I get it. Amazon hates you. Or you hate Amazon. Independent authors publish through Amazon because it is really, really hard not to. But reviews on other apps and websites are helpful, too. Explore a few to find out about exciting new reads; while you’re there, recommend your favorite books. And remember, “review” in this context can be just a few lines. But if you can share more, consider writing about your favorite books on your own blog or Facebook page.
Suggest Books for Your Local Library to Purchase
Getting an indie-published book into a library is a bit of a holy grail quest for writers. The process is far from straight forward. But most library systems have a mechanism for readers to recommend that the library purchase books for their collections. Don’t be shy about supporting your favorite books in this way. If enough people suggest a book, it can make a difference!
How do you support your favorite authors? What barriers prevent you from reviewing books you enjoy? Please share your thoughts! (Click this blog title and a comment box will open at the end of the post.)
Check out some of my other blogs on the business side of writing: Independent Publishing: What’s In It for the Reader?, Book Review Star Ratings, and my Self-Interview.
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
Like the blog? Subscribe (form at the bottom of my website) to never miss an issue. Want more? Subscribe to the monthly newsletter for exclusive content. And, of course, I’m selling books. Last winter, St. Louis Writers Guild published Love Letters to St. Louis. This adorable letter-shaped volume of short stories, poems, essays, and illustrations included my first science fiction story, “Welcome to Earthport Prime: A Self-Guided Tour.” A perfect gift and profits benefit the guild’s young writers’ program.
Check out all my stories at Amazon.com. Order my new novella, Wolfhearted, or from Barnes and Noble if you prefer, here. It is also available as an audiobook, here.
If you’ve enjoyed one of my books, tell the world! Consider leaving a short review at Audible, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Goodreads. The direct link to review Wolfhearted on Amazon is here, The Resurrectionist, here , and Water of Life, here, or visit my Shop off the landing page menu to review at Barnes and Noble. Thanks in advance. Reviews put the book in a more prominent position on Amazon.