As some of you already know, in May I took a side job as a COVID-19 contact tracer for my county’s public health department. And as you might easily guess, my work has greatly expanded this summer. The handwriting is on the wall: that side hustle is turning into my main gig. At the very least, I need a break from the blog.
Priorities Call For A Break
I believe truly, madly, and even deeply that art creation is a vital response to hard times and trouble in the world. I’ve spent the last few years learning to value and respect my own art. (This Neil Gaiman speech was particularly helpful, and my recent guest, Cynthia Vesta, said it well, here.) But a public health crisis is going on around me. I must also value and respect my previous career in medical research and the skills I can offer my community right now.
Publications During The Break
The most enjoyable part of writing is—no surprise—sharing stories. I will keep on doing that: I’ll bring out Wolfhearted this winter and my first science fiction attempt is in the works for an anthology. Montag Press will publish my Sean Joye Investigations novel, The Big Cinch, in 2021. The next book in that series simmers, even as we speak, on the back burner of my brain.
The Business Side of Authorship
Learning book marketing and promotion tasks as well as business skills takes up a lot of my time and head space. So I’m giving myself an early birthday gift: A break from the blog and social media posts. A rest from working up the nerve to pester bookshop owners. A hiatus from ad creation and on-line events.
Obviously, stepping back right now is a terrible way to build a readership! But I must honor my priorities. Six months or so from now, things will be different. As the need for contact tracing lessens, I’ll probably miss my arcane marketing plans. I’ll be excited to once again become my own publicity agent.
Newsletter Over The Break
My friends who want to keep up with my writing news subscribe to my newsletter, so that will be my primary means of communication for the next year. I’ll also strive to keep my home page up-to-date. So, watch those spaces for announcements about upcoming stories. And, as always, thank you for your support. I hope my little tales bring you a thrill, a smile, and a break from your routine.
Subscribe to my newsletter from my homepage, or email me and I’ll put you on the list—kathy@kathylbrown.com. I send newsletters four or five times a year, when I actually have an announcement. Your inbox won’t be cluttered with daily adverts for books, and I will never sell or share your address without your permission.