Last October, author Mark Miller visited The Storytelling Blog to share thoughts on writing and preview his upcoming novel, The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World: A Romance Hotter Than a Thousand Suns. The lady plans to make their grand entrance on 11-22-22 (get it?), and I was gifted with an advanced review copy.
Disclosure: I have a business relationship with Mark Miller’s publisher, Montag Press, which published my Sean Joye Investigations novel, The Big Cinch.
So Many Romances in One Story
Deep in its central processor unit, The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World is a sweet romance. Yes, the apocalypse looms, along with all those dreadful 1980s fashions and hair bands. But all you need is love, love/love is all you need (to quote some old-timey wisdom).
Told with tongue-in-cheek humor and minimal concerns with physics, this science fiction/fantasy tale follows the exploits of Amanda and Miranda Morgan, conjoined twins from a small Texas town. They became conjoined in early adolescence due to an unfortunate government-military-industrial complex accident. (No need to think about this too hard.) But with lots of family love and a reasonably supportive community, they grow and thrive into accomplished and successful women.
Meanwhile, back at the secret bunker, a long-forgotten military installation is located under the Morgan farm. Populated by two lonely soldiers, a computer (also lonely), and literally a lifetime supply of MREs, Chekhov’s nukes hang over the fireplace to provide the existential threat.
Initially a unique coming-of-age story, the twins navigate crushes, mean girls, first loves, and senior prom. As they mature and move into the wider world, high-level shenanigans become apparent and intersect with their lives and loves with increasing frequency. The tale pivots into an exciting, yet still satirical, spy thriller.
Complex Plot, Simple Story
The Two-Headed Lady has a lot of moving parts, but they hum along together like a well-maintained Barchetta. The various plotlines are well-balanced, and they all come together in a satisfying finale.
For all that the book shines a klieg light on humans’ sheer self-destructive stupidity, the characters learn and grown about, from, and through love.
Recommended for readers who like some character development with their bizarro situations. Most of all, have fun with it!
If you found The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World interesting, you might enjoy reading my interview with Charis Emanon, author of 51 Ways to End Your World.
Click here to order The Big Cinch, new supernatural noir novel from Kathy L. Brown.
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Last year the St. Louis Writers Guild published Love Letters to St. Louis. This adorable letter-shaped volume of short stories, poems, essays, and illustrations includes my first science fiction story, “Welcome to Earthport Prime: A Self-Guided Tour.” Profits benefit the guild’s young writers’ program.
This post updated 1/17/23 to link book to Amazon purchase site.